Christmas Gift Sponsorships

Sponsor Christmas gifts for a mom and baby, family, or more!

“I was going to have to choose between giving Christmas gifts to my kids or keeping the lights on.”

-Aftercare resident 2022

Every year Mother’s Refuge current and former residents are sponsored for Christmas gifts! We have over 200 individuals sign up! Details:

  • We expect donors to spend $200 a person - whether it is a mom, baby, or significant other. (We also accept gift cards or a cash donation of ANY amount to specifically adopt for Christmas, and we will do the shopping for you).

  • You can sponsor just one person, a whole family, or multiple families. We have families of just mom and baby up to 7 or 8 members in a family.

  • Please keep the gifts per person around $200, if you want to give significantly more, please consider sponsoring more individuals so everyone gets sponsored.

  • Feel free to sponsor someone with your friends, coworkers, or as a business!